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JazzLife 2023.8

JazzLife 2023.8

幼少時に両親とともに米国に渡り、工学博士の資格を取得する傍らニューイングランド音楽院でダニーロ ・ペレスやスティーヴン・スコットらに師事。これまでにドナルド・バードやジョー・ロヴァーノら数多くのアーティストと共演。現在はデイトンを拠点にしてジャズ・ピアニストと教育活動の二刀流で活躍する平川恵悟の3rd作が届けられた。巨匠ボブ・ハーストを中心とした強靭なリズム陣とキレの良いサックス&ギターを迎えたクインテットによる本作は、これまでの多彩な活動が集約されたもの。躍動感に富んだポストバップ演奏が盤面いっぱいに展開される。

(English Translation:

During his early childhood, Keigo Hirakawa moved to the United States with his parents and obtained a doctorate in engineering. At the same time, he studied under renowned musicians such as Danilo Perez and Stephen Scott at the New England Conservatory of Music. Over the years, he has collaborated with numerous artists, including Donald Byrd and Joe Lovano. Currently based in Dayton, Hirakawa excels as a jazz pianist and in educational activities. His third album showcases a culmination of his diverse experiences.

The album features a quintet with a robust rhythm section centered around master Bob Hurst, complemented by skillful saxophone and guitar. The lively post-bop performances unfold throughout the record, exuding a sense of dynamism and energy.)

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